Tuesday, 17 August 2010

The Bay Window Project: NEW ENTRIES

Speaking of the Devil...here we are with the Press Release for next event, opening tomorrow:

curated by sybin

SALVATORE MAURO: opens Wednesday 18 August at 6:30 pm.

SybinQ Art Projects
The window on Cleveland Street, London W1T 6DP. MAP here.
(please note that there is no physical address: the window is visible where Cleveland St meets Carburton Street)

Information: 07913717999 - sybin@inwind.it

SybinQ Art Projects is pleased to present NEW ENTRIES, a section of The Bay Window Project dedicated to new talented artists who never had a solo show in London before. The window becomes a place of patronage, discussion and exchange in the project’s aim to promote young artists and the production of new artworks.

The research of young Italian artist Salvatore Mauro (Born in Augusta, Italy 1977. Lives and works in Rome) is centered on the human body and its relationship with the place where one feels more vulnerable or safer: the bathroom. In there we stand naked, lapsing in our own intimate rituals, unprotected and concealed to indiscreet eyes at the same time. Or so we think. As Alfred Hitchcock showed us in the movie “Psycho” (1960), should this intimacy be violated disaster follows.

For The Bay Window Project, Salvatore is presenting Intimate Parallelism, 2010 (193 x 180 cm, Plotter print on window glazing. Courtesy: The Artist).

The female figure mixed with bathroom accessories gives shape to an icon in the conventionally religious sense: this icon is, on one hand, reinforced by its repetition; on the other hand, repetition leads to the loss of meaning, symbolising a path in which the body, exposed to different kind of lights and postures, seems to become even more conscious of its own frailness and uncertainty. The shower hoses, an industrial apparatus sprouting from the young woman's neck, look like prosthetic appendixes, distorting and contaminating the body, accentuating its transient nature. The bathroom is the place of passage where transformation happens, either in a regenerative or destructive way. The street is the public place where private daily changes remain safely unknown behind the curtains. Exposed to the passer-by gaze, who this time is forced to watch, Intimate Parallelism not only questions the boundaries of intimacy and the places where we expect to find it, but also invites the viewer to consider his or her position in the world as a transient being, changing every day in front of the bathroom's mirror.

Salvatore Mauro exhibits widely in Italy since 2000 both in solo and group shows. He is the creator and organiser, together with artist Anna Carè, of BOX Art Festival in Rome. Now at its third edition, the festival was hosted at MACRO Museum of Contemporary Art Rome (Mattatoio) and MLAC Museum Lab of Contemporary Art at the University La Sapienza, Rome. The aim of the event is to promote new artists and projects with a focused attention to experimental language and the use of new technologies. He also works as editor of the on-line magazine NextExit.

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Did you see The Bay Window with the video by Luana Perilli and would like to comment?
Leave your thoughts on the Guestbook post.

Will come next: CADAVRE EXQUIS VIDEO, Group Show, in September.

I am very proud of having been able to invite new, fresh artists, and to produce their work. That's what I mean for support: you can write about their art, but nothing is more effective than the actual work seen in a public place like The Bay Window.
Best of luck to Salvatore, who unfortunately won't be able to join us, and hope to see people coming tomorrow.

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